HELLO FRIENDS!! For a moment I thought I was going to have to change my blog to “Lyv Rox Nike Pros, Sunglasses and No Eyebrows”. My husband and I recently moved and MAN I feel like I have been taping and ripping open boxes for a decade!! I have barely touched my phone let alone my computer but today is a special day. I felt like it was the appropriate day to get back into the swing of things.
“Every year on May 25th, I take a moment and remember a Fashion Fingerprint that has heavily influenced my style journey.”
My grandmother, Doris Hughes, passed away on this day in 1997. I was only 12 years old. Grief is never easy at any age, however I especially was not prepared for that heartache as a little girl. At that point in my life, I was just starting to come into my own sense of style and discover fashion. She loved that. There was a jewelry box in her closet that was just for me, and I would sit in her closet for hours playing. Each time I came over the contents would be different. I would BOLT to her closet when we arrived for visits.
I am a very visual oriented person so during that time I went through ALL of our old pictures because I was afraid I would forget what she looked like, or our memories together. As I got older and would revisit the pictures I began to notice HER style and wonder who influenced her, or where she bought certain pieces. I began to search for vintage pieces to recreate some of her looks as a way of staying connected to her. Because she had great taste.
“She wasn’t a “label” person but if a pair of glasses were fabulous and they just happened to be Christian Dior, well she was getting them.”
This picture is from my parents wedding in 1977 and it is MY FAVORITE look Doris executed. I love how soft the colors are, I love that she chose a very age appropriate yet stylish cut. I imagine she chose it so she would be comfortable and could drink as much as she wanted. I imagine her being fabulously classy, and possibly later in the evening taking a shot just to keep everyone on their toes. God, that sounds like a great time!!
So I don’t have the dress she’s wearing in that picture. However, a few years ago, I was at one of my favorite consignment stores and I found a floral chiffon shell just like hers. And I instantly felt her. Fashion helps keep my connected to her. Because if I wear certain pieces and people ask me about them I get to talk about her. And speak to her fashion fingerprint and influence. It keeps her alive in my heart. It’s not just clothes. It’s memories, moments, it’s a fingerprint that can’t be erased. There are absolutely moments I wish I could just have one more day with her as an adult so I could pick her brain. Questions like, “Did you ask Grandpa’s permission for the Christian Dior glasses or did you just say to hell with it?”. I’m 99.9% sure she said, “TO HELL WITH IT”.
“During this hectic move that has been taking place we have been using the expertise and knowledge of our dear friend Joy Lang. And she found the most perfect set up and place for Doris to live in our new home.”
This piece of furniture was my grandmother’s and those are the Christian Dior glasses. I actually have tried to have them turned into sunglasses, but they’re just too fragile. However, now I’m glad it didn’t work out, because they belong right here.
Until next time friends. Style doesn’t have to be what’s on the cover of a magazine. It can be in your heart and whatever makes you want to push your shoulders back and silently demand the attention of a room, because being you rocks.