I get pretty lazy with my outfits during the summer. Mostly because I’m usually looking like a wet dog with no eyebrows. So when it’s time to go in public and I walk into my closet for the first time in 3 weeks it’s like, SHIT I don’t know what to do with this stuff. My summer comfort zone is a white top and cut off jean shorts.
I have a ponytail for the first time in probably three years that is actually my own hair. I kept my hair short for so long I forgot what this feels like!! So needless to say I am VERY into all these hair accessories that are popular in the streets. I put together this quick post with links to all the clips, hair ties and headbands I am loving. They are all from Amazon and under $20!!!
This post will put my full fashion junkie nerd-ness on display. I walk through consignment and vintage stores like a museum EXCEPT I break all the museum rules.
You know when you play a favorite song 37 times in a row?! I did that with Adidas dresses! I wore them to death! I played it out! I had to force myself to start styling the lewk down a more edgy path. Let’s finish out this week’s topic with a quick look at how I style Adidas dresses when I’m Lyvin’ on the edge.
If you’ve ever seen me traveling, I’m in an Adidas dress. If I’m going to get a spray tan, I’m in an Adidas dress. If I’m going to dance on a bar that’s on fire, I’m in an Adidas dress. Wait Lyv! That last one isn’t true! Yes it is…here’s the picture to prove it.
Lyv!! That title is a little aggressive, well shit! Maybe I’ll think about changing it. My first OFFICIAL blog four years ago was about black blazers. The post was called, “The New Same You”. It’s under the 2015 link under my blog tab at the top of the webpage. I reread it for fun times sake just now. There are a lot of typos so just embrace 2015 Blogging Lyv, she was grammatically a little reckless and excited to be here.
We’ve discussed the traditional plaids of Christmas attire and crossed off chic tweeds polished or unpolished. Now let’s tap dance over to more boho chic choices and a personal favorite, STAR PRINTS. These lewks will have us deep in some Christmas Coachella vibes! IMMA, IMMA STARGIRL. (This post is paired best with The Weekend “Starboy” lightly playing in the background.)
Let me just go ahead and say that we are going to taste the rainbow of colorful language today discussing my personal connection with E.T., so you have officially been warned. Just close one eye or pretend it’s in big pretty cursive writing. Honestly, it’s not really me cussing today, it’s my Dad. I’m just here to tell you about sweatshirt dresses!
My history with socks began as a child running from my brother, Dusty. Growing up we would watch the comedy show, In Living Color. I think I actually had to sneak to watch it with him, because there was some bad language my parents didn’t want me repeating. Oops! That didn’t work out too well.
2019 BLOGS
I wanted to really challenge myself this month with topics that I haven’t addressed before or were perhaps a little out of my comfort zone. Topics that come up at happy hour or a girls night where we all feel comfortable to be vulnerable and our truest self. So let’s discuss what I’m doing to pump the breaks on time and improve my skin.
When I chat with my girlfriends the two topics that come up the most are, how do I “know” how to pose for my pictures and what is my skincare/Botox routine? WELL, in honor of starting LyvRoxStyle five years ago this month I thought it would be fitting to discuss both topics. Today we’ll stick with photoshoots!
I have been debating for weeks what to post about because it’s still 100 damn degrees! We are in October! I’ve ordered sweaters, sweater dresses, boots and I’m still wearing summer clothes. We had two nice days of 70s and then it ghosted us like a bad boyfriend. We woke up hurt, confused, hot and bothered.
September used to have a whole different meaning for me fashion wise. It’s the release of the highly anticipated September issue, which is the Bible for fall fashion. Dare I even call it the trophy of all issues. Each magazine is the size of a phonebook! I would sit with my Vogue and Harper’s Bazzar slowly flipping each page soaking in the colors and drooling over new styles. But now, in September I start drooling over trophies of another kind.
Have you seen Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion?! It’s ok if you haven’t, I am fully prepared to fill you in on this classic masterpiece.

One Life to Lyv
Chic street beginnings
For years I walked this street slaving for fashion. Broke and dressed to the nines on King St. in Charleston, South Carolina. But my journey didn't begin there. It began in 7th grade when I purchased my first Harper's Bazaar and saw fashion for the first time. It began when I decided to go against the grain and dress how I wanted instead of blending in amongst the crowd. My journey began in a middle school bathroom where I hid crying because my peers made fun of me for dressing different. And when my father sat me down and reassured me that being an original was much more special than being a copy. After years of traveling in my many journeys for fashion I want to share what I have learned. Clothes are great. However, the right pieces can channel your inner wonder woman and silently demand the attention of a full room. So let's have some fun and turn some heads because that feeling rocks.



Stocking up on beauty products is like a Voodoo scavenger hunt. The mall, Ulta, then back to the mall because you forgot your favorite lip color was a Sephora specific product. SO… instead of running all over town and buying products you’re unsure will give you the holiday look you’re wanting to achieve set up an appointment with the talented ladies at Pout!!!
Just when you see this polished and poised picture, I ruin everything with a title like that. It kind of feels like it could be the title to a Christmas Saturday Night Live skit. But we’re not just hot gluing any old stuff together, it’s gonna be some fancy shit. So pinkies up kids!! Pay attention and keep it alive.
For the majority of my life I have typically been broke at Christmas! This has led me to become creative and original in my avenues for gift giving. Basically I’ve been hot gluing my damn fingers together since FOREVER. Over the next few days I’m going to share some of my projects that have been more successful, meaningful and a little more budget friendly. This project is a DIY patchwork camo jacket to execute with friends, family and with just enough wine possibly a child.
This time of year is chaotic as shit. None of the lights on any of my Christmas trees work, I got too close to a propane heater the other day and caught my favorite camo jacket on fire. Per usual, I am a damn mess. BUT, we have so many places to go, to be put together for and we don’t always have time to think about complicated outfits.