I have a long history with suede. As a child, from ages 6-11 every year for my birthday I would get a new tan suede bomber jacket. It was my jam!!! And then eventually I moved on, so it’s made my heart smile to see so many suede trends coming back!!!
This season one item I really wanted to add to my closet was a cool pair of thigh high boots. Specifically, a gray suede pair. I had been searching online and watching a few pair that were about $200, and I just didn’t want to spend that much money. I was walking through Forever21 one day to look at their jewelry, because I LOVE getting dainty gold chains from there for CHEAP. And literally at the end of the shoe area staring me in face was a pair of gray suede thigh high boots for $42.90. I was like, YES HUNNNAY CHILD I GOTS TO TRY THESE BOOTS ON!!! (I may have done some sort of little snap as well.)
“I told myself not to get too excited, they probably are going to kill my feet. I mean HELLO, usually the bargain option isn’t the comfortable option. Much to my surprise, they are literally one of the most comfortable pair of shoes in my closet. ”
Now, let’s talk about thigh high boots for a second, because in 1990 a certain movie came out that sort of put thigh high boots in a stereotype of being, welllllll, a hooker.
HAA!!! Pretty Woman!! Man, what a fantastic movie! But seriously, it made women afraid to wear thigh high boots, unless it was Halloween! So let’s style them chic in the streets for 2016.
Because the boots tend to have sex appeal I wanted to pair them with a loose fitting top. I paired a Free People Tunic, layered with a cotton tank dress since the tunic was a little sheer and not quite long enough. (Story of my life.) To accent the gray boots, I styled a long tassel necklace and pop of cranberry with a felt hat to match my lip color. I am ALL about dark lips right now! Under my boots I have thick knee socks to help keep the boots up. That was the major difference between my $42.90 boots and the expensive ones, they were more fitted to the leg and probably would've stayed up better. It doesn't bother me for a $150 less though.
“I also tied a Flower Children Only halo around my hat to continue the gray accent and for a shout out to my girl Alex.”
Now let’s take suede totally 70s!!! Suede skirts! And they are in so many neat styles. Fashion truly just takes full circles when it comes to trends. I find myself wearing outfits I have seen pictures of my mom in and wishing she had just saved me her clothes. Dang it Donna!!
Our first suede skirt look is a front button mini skirt. When I wear shorter hem lengths I like to pair more conservative tops to balance out the bottom. The button down polka dot top is from the clearance rack at Target for like $12. However, I found one online at Belk. A good button down polka dot top is a closet staple. Maybe it’s not your thing, and that’s ok. For me I find it to be a classic chic print that never goes out of style. Additionally, for more coverage I styled knee socks with a peep toe wedge bootie and a turquoise bangle for a pop of color.
Finally, for the last look, we are discussing a FRINGE SUEDE SKIRT!!! My inspiration for wanting a skirt like this began when I saw this skirt in an email from Neiman Marcus, which was $360. Ummm, no ma’am. Not today. So I hunted for a similar fringe skirt at a cheaper price point. I found the one I am wearing at Love Culture for $25, a store in our mall which I will be the FIRST to admit is geared toward more of a college demographic. I had never been in the store, however the skirt was laying on a table right by the entrance and it’s what brought me in the store.
“It’s easy to write off stores and think, oh that is not for me, but you never know what you will find until you take a lap in some uncharted territory! ”
As I have said before, I LOVE mixing textures which lead me to mix a lace crop with the fringe. This look is definitely more for a going out, date night occassion or if you want to roll up in the office on Monday, then HEY GURL, you do you!! I layered a long necklace, black booties and aztec print clutch to bring the look together with a little color. I found this clutch at a Plato’s Closet with the tags still on it. The MAJORITY of my shopping is bargain pieces here and there. So if you’ve seen suede pieces out there and you’re feeling it, then give it a chance. Make it your own!!
“Fashion and being stylish does not mean you’re materialistic, it’s about finding the pieces with proper fit that make you feel fabulous and wonderful. So push your shoulders back and walk into a room like you own it, that power belongs to you and you deserve it!! ”
Until next time.